On my early morning computer time I found an item on the Island Divers website, that alluded to having seen "a large seal", which they characterized as "she" on their afternoon dive at Spitting Cave yesterday. I'd seen nobody on my morning check. My Irma antenna immediately went up. I found nobody on my morning rounds, however I was not the least bit surprised when a Makapuu lifeguard called at 0949 to report a seal hauling out to the left side of the beach. When I arrived at 0956 I , of course, found Irma (R010) waiting for me. I cordoned her off, and she has remained all day. Irma departed at 1928.

I returned to Makai Pier and it was just me, Mom and the kid all day, until 1505 when I found 2 animals just hauling out to the left end of the beach on RI. Sadie (RB12) was immediately recognizeable, however the male, with 2 red tags that accompanied her just never gave me anything to work with . Since he was "shake n' baked" the whole time, I could never see what I needed to see to make an ID. My guess... Buster, but bottom line...U/M ???? Sadie's D#7 molt is 100%.
Team Billand responded to a Dera call on an animal at the Makaha Shores Condo, in Makaha. They found Benny at 0855.

Dera also advised that D. Schofield was at KP today, and saw a hooked animal but unsure of ID. Awaiting photos.
Team Billand checked in at 1605 with the report of Max (R5EW) at Palm Grove, Campbell Industrial Park.
Team Billand called at 1712 to advise that their posse member ,Clay had called from Iroquois Point to report 2 animals there. It would prove to be T21M and Rocky (RH58).
MM and pup day 34
looking like a little porker
Sadie and shake and bake
Irma @ Makapuu
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