On my 0728 , Spitting Cave check, I found Duke (RA12) for the 3rd consecutive day. He was doing 9-10 minute dives.
When I got back to Makai Pier at 0920 I found that Kolohe (RW22) had joined the cast, snoozin' on the water front rocks of Rocky Right Beach, He would remain there all day .

Team Billand reported Max (R5EW) on the west side of the Nimitz Jetty at 1026. They called again at 1428 to advise that Max had relocated to Nimitz Cottages, fronting #1777.
At 1126 the Billands reported Makaiwi (R4DF) on the breakwater rocks of Lagoon #4 at KoOlina. She would depart at 1243.
Dera called at 1254 to advise of a reported animal in the trough at Magic Island. Volunteer Don confirmed the N11 bleach of Rocky (RH58).
Max @ Nimitiz
seal toys
Maka'iwi @ Ko'Olina
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