As you will see, it turned out to be anything but a routine day out there. My first hint of the way things were going came as I did my initial drive through Sandy Beach at 0605. One of my parking lot posse told me that at approximately 0545 a "medium sized" animal had briefly hauled out to the shore break right where the daily Sandy Beach wedding ceremony was in progress. It just did a head bob or two and then departed.
I continued by usual morning tour and at 0629 , from the Makapuu Overview, found MM and Pup on the beach at the 3BS on Rabbit Island.
I arrived at Spitting Cave at 0710 and immediately found Duke (RA12) doing 6 minute dives.

As I was sitting there, Hanauma Bay posse member, Ann called at 0730 advising that two of their morning regular swimmers had reported an animal swimming in the "keyhole" area at the left side of HB, and that it had departed over the outer reef. Since I was sitting there looking at Duke all by himself, I thought it possible that maybe the SB and HB reports were connected, and that perhaps it was Kolohe on his way back to Rabbit Island. I responded to Hanauma Bay at 0745 but found nobody, and returned to Spitting Cave at 0820. At 0822 I became aware that Duke now had company. I thought I saw the Kolohe , right side natural bleach, but that would prove to be incorrect.

I got back to Makai Pier at 1045 and immediately found that M&M and Pup had been joined by Buster (RV08) at the left end of the beach, and by Kolohe (RW22) on the water front rocks 40 ft left of Seal Rock Inlet. At that moment I had two thoughts. First, yep.... mighta' been Kolohe on the SB and HB calls, but then it hit me that if Kolohe was here then who the heck is with Duke at Spitting Cave ?????,Soooooooo it was back to Spitting Cave to hopefully solve the mystery.

At 1129, as I arrived at SC I immediately saw two animals in the water together. It was take until 1247 to FINALLY solve the mystery. Lo and behold it was Benny (RE74) !! It was then that all things became clear. I know its pure conjecture on my part, and it is only circumstantial evidence at best, but my dollar is on Benny and the Sandy Beach, and Hanauma Bay mystery visitor. This is Benny' MO, at both locations. Since he has been MIA since 6-5-11 my guess is that he is coming back from his irregularly ,regular Molokai runs and he did his usual cruise down the water front at Sandy, lookin' for chicks, and then continued on to Hanauma Bay. Benny is famous for his "drive throughs" at HB. He has done it several times, and I've even been there to observed on one occasion. He comes in the "backdoor" channel at the "keyhole" at the left side of HB, and then does an quick swim trough,scaring the crap outta' everybody, near the shoreline and out the "cable channel" exit, however this time he elected to go over the outside reef on his departure. His next stop was no doubt , just around the corner at Spitting Cave. All of that is purely in my imagination, but his presence at Spitting Cave was real.

Ewa Beach posse member Toni Russ called at 0605 to advise that "N3" was on the beach. Her photos later confirmed the Irma (R010) ID.
Team Billand checked in at 0757 with the report of Makaiwi (R4DF) fronting the shower near the east end fence line at White Plains. At 0958 they would find Rocky (RH58) at Iroquois Point. At 1359 they reported Max (R5EW) at Kalaeloa Campgrounds.

Dera called at 0926 to advise that she had gotten photos of the hooked seal at Ka'ena Point yesterday. Lo and behold Jeannie Martinson's report from Kahuku Golf Course on 6-10-11 about a hooked, female animal with a the hook in the left side of the mouth and a 761 bleach, turned out to be absolutely true. Scott Ashlock , who shot the KP photos yesterday, gave the same info, and his photos confirm the previous information. Thea called me at 0945 to confirm that 761 is an adult female from Nihoa !!! The hook appears to be a "through & through" on the left side. The initial delight in finally confirming the animal's ID, soon gave way to the realization that bummer....... there are 2 hooked seals (761 and CeeCee).
I'm getting "the dailies" done early today, so as to attend the Hanauma Bay lecture tonight . Please check the blog in the morning for the always awesome Billands photos.
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