I did a 0700 check of Access #120B in Portlock, and found nobody. Incidently, after many years of trying to find the name of the surf break at that location, finally today, Susan came through with the factoid that it is known as "Fingers". Finally !!!

At 1026 posse member Lesley called to advise of an animal at Fingers (120B). When She had also checked KK, and CW as had I, and found nobody . When I arrived at 1120 I confirmed the animal as Buster (RV08). I returned to the site at 1410 an found that Buster was no longer there. The 2.3 tide made it impossible to be there. A later call from Lesley advised that she had spoken with surfers at the spot, and it sounds like Buster left around 1330. I checked Spitting Cave at 1428, and found Buster doing 8 minute dives.
Team Billand called at 0905 to report Makaiwi (R4DF) and Max (R5EW) together , fronting #1778A Nimitz Cottages. They would enter the water at 1510 but played in the near shore waters, until their departure at 1545.
Dera called at 0950 to advise of an animal in Kaaawa. I never got anymore info on that critter.
M+M and pup
Buster @ Fingers (courtesy of Aunty Leslie LESLEY )
hey that rock has a face
Buster from Papa DB
and then Buster at Spitting Cave
One day they will learn how to spell my name correctly...
sorry had a lot on my mind trying to do too many things at once.
The place where the seal is laying is called "The Finger", not fingers and the surf spot is call "Walls" or "China Walls" for the record.
Anonymous, I know that place where the seal is called "The Finger" not "fingers" but what is the name of the surf spot infront of Hamburger Rock? Babies? Littles? I forget and I guess the seals don't really care what it's called hahaha! oh well..memories are slipping. lol
This is posse member Susan. According to the three surfers in this portlock house, the surf break slightly to the left and in front of where the seals have hauled out is called "Fingers". It's particularly popular with body boarders. Walls or China walls are also surf breaks nearby, but closer to CW.
The big rock/ledge just to the left of the place where the seals have recently been spotted is the "finger".
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