Sunday, December 27, 2020

12/27/2020 Sunday Monk Seal Dailies


Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand and Marilyn.

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1 to 2:30 pm, conditions were still windy but thankfully sunny. She spotted three seals on island today.

Near the 1BS staying close together were; UJF unknown juvenile size, yellowish female belly, 2 tags and no apparent NB. she moved down closer to the water at one point then galumphed back to the UJM. Unknown, juvenile size, yellowish male belly and two tags.  He may have just hauled out when Marilyn arrived. Both juveniles are looking healthy and plump.

By the rock flats at RRB was a UU unknown subadult to adult size with a newer coat. Marilyn never

saw the belly or rear flippers. It maybe the same seal that was there yesterday. She wondered if this could be RK72 post molt, but it never shows enough to determine.

Team Billand arrived at a westside location about 8:30 am. RH76 Kala came in and stayed just about where she was yesterday. Alone and peaceful.

Ka'ale RH32 was enjoying his favorite breakfast spot at the Outfall. He never landed just kept pigging out.

Team Billand arrived at the bay and found RL20 Kalua was foraging with the others on the Ocean side of the jetty. At one point he came around the rocks, but kept going that is when they lost sight of him. For a youngen he's pretty independent, which is a good thing.

Lei Ola RH48 and Nalu R3CX were both foraging together and bugging each other. Nice to see them popping out of the water from the chest up, mouths opened, having words. 

RN44 was to the left on the rocks sleeping peacefully. Later in the afternoon he was facing the ocean and had company with a homeless man. Thankfully a volunteer was on sight and was able to deal with the situation. N44 stayed on the rocks.

At 12:30 Team Billand went back to check on Kala RH76 and when they arrived they were surprised to see she had company. Mr. R3CU was there egging her on, she would move and he followed. Finally they would both settle.  They haven't see this Kauai boy for a long time, nice to have him back.

Team Billand had spotted a couple of seal from afar and headed over to get a closer look. They found

Aukai RL12, Ka'ale RH32 and RN14 Kalani.  At first all was fine, but then folks started coming around and getting too close. One dude walked up to Kalani, got real close like in his face. Kalani postured and barked (too bad he didn't bite him). Team Billand yelled out to the guy to move back and finally he left the area. They called the hotline to report.

Team Billand found R407 Kawika alone at tracks. There were lots of people there, and looks like a volunteer had been there and put up a sign.

At 3 pm Team Billand returned to the bay. They found RL20 Kalua to the right of N44 on the rocks. His old hooking line is still visible, at times going across his face and he would scratch at it. Other than that he is just fine and cute as a button. 

Rabbit Island Juveniles
RH76 Kala
Ka'ale RH32
RL20 Kalua
Lei Ola RH48 and Nalu R3CX
Aukai RL12
Ka'ale RH32
RN14 Kalani reacting to this idiot

RN14 Kalani
R407 Kawika
RL20 kalua .... too cute

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