Thursday, December 10, 2020

12/10/2020 Thursday Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand.

Team Billand arrived at the outfall just after 7 am. There were two seals there fighting, who were identified as Ka'ale (of course) and Da Benny RE74. They went to the right of the jetty and Team Billand lost them.

Team Billand could see there was a seal across at another beach. They could tell it was R407 Kawika by the cookie scar on back, no tags, and scars on right and left shoulder area. He was on shore resting.

Before heading off to the bay Team Billand made a quick stop and found RH76 Kala. She was hauled out in mid high rocks, but very well hidden. They got a fast tag shot and left the area.

Team Billand arrived at the bay around noontime. They spotted R3CX Nalu foraging. He would do this

the entire time they were there. RL20 Kalua was also foraging and he too did it for the entire time. Then just after 1 om they saw RN44 come in. They did not see any line and from what they were told the line is gone.  Team Billand also spotted an "idiot" and his girlfriend throw a rock hitting RN44. Team Billand yelled out to them, they calmly fot their photo opt with the seal. GRRRRRR!  Thankfully RN44 just flipped over and then eventually settled.

Team Billand spotted the Glaucous Gull sitting on the rocks by the fisherman. They gave it some fish and he was happy to eat it. They were also vert fortunate to see a whale breaching. Then lastly at 3 pm they spotted Lei Ola RH48 foraging in the bay, swimming away from Nalu.

Kaale RH32

R407 Kawika
RH76 Kala
R3CX Nalu
RL20 Kalua 
Lei Ola RH48

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