Friday, December 18, 2020

12/18/2020 Friday Monk Seal Dailies


Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand.

They started their day at the bay and initially found three critters foraging. They were able to with some patience ID RL20 Kalua, R3CX Nalu and RH48 Lei Ola. They were all further out making it a challenge.

Team Billand left the site and when they returned in the afternoon they found RN44 hauled up on the rocks snoozing alone. They had not seen him in the morning.

At 9:45 am Team Billand found RN14 Kalani at tracks. He was high up sleeping, but it looked like he

had recently arrived. He was very sandy making an ID a little difficult, but to the best of their knowledge they are saying Kalani. On their return trip he was gone from that spot.

While on site they saw a yellow fin Tuna jumping and chasing bait fish off shore. They managed to get a picture of this being the 3rd time they have seen this. 

Team Billand returned to tracks about 1 pm. RN14 Kalani had moved and now he had company. He was with Aukai RL12, they were both snoozing together. There were lots of footprints seen, but the seals were both okay. Then just past the gate they spotted Ka'ale RH32 alone and snoozing. He did move to the shore line to cool off and once again lots of people out there.

RL20 Kalua
R3CX Nalu
RH48 Lei Ola
RN14 Kalani

Aukai RL12 and Kalani
Kaale RH32

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