Sunday, December 6, 2020

12/06/2020 Sunday Monk Seal Dailies


Todays dailies are brought to you by Team Billand and Marilyn.

Team  Billand arrived at the bay by 7 am. They found R3CX Nalu foraging near the jetty. RN44 met up with Nalu and the two started getting into their fight/play.  Then they both continued to forage.

At 10 am little RL20 Kalua snuck in, they saw him coming. He was hauled up on the rocks snoozing. They spotted Kaale RH32 foraging and then he came up and hauled out right next to RL20. Kaale started with his head butt greeting and then settled in with the little guy.

Lei Ola RH48 was seen foraging and doing her best to get away from RN44 and Nalu. She snuck in the bay area with the paddle boarders. Shortly after Team Billand lost sight of her, until she suddenly hauled up on the rocks.

At another location they found Kekoa Alii RK72 at 12:30. He was sleeping on his lower rock. He did

not flip over to show his underside. They were not able to determine how far into his molt.

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 10:45 to 1:30 this afternoon. Initially there were two critters on island and about an hour or so later a couple more arrived. (nothing compared to yesterdays nine critters)

In the middle cliff area was M90/91 N5, small weaner, two tags, and female belly. Her N5 applied bleach was briefly visible. She later moved down behind the waterfront rocks and made it difficult to see her.

Near Seal Rock Inlet (SRI) was an unidentified adult to subadult, light female belly. (UAF) She had two tags, and newer coat.

Just before 12:30 Marilyn noticed two seals had recently hauled out. On LPB was an unidentified juvenile size, light female belly (UJF) newer coat and two tags. About 60 feet to the right of the 1BS was an unidentified juvenile size, light male belly (UJM) and two tags.

Nalu R3CX

RL20 Kalua
Kaale RH32
Lei Ola
Lei Ola
Rabbit Island

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