Though Gayle and I combed the rest of the quadrant, no other critters were noted.
At 1020 Ocean Safety called to advise of 2 animals at “Depots”, Nanakuli. Team Billand responded and confirmed the Pohaku (RO28) & Kolohe (RW22) ID. At 1405 they reported finding RIP (RR70), once again at Maili Point.
Dana called at 1658 with word that young master Benny (RE74) is snoozin’ at Ola’s, on the hotel beach at Turtle Bay, and La’akea (RK82) was at Right Spot’s Spot, TB. I’m thinkin’ , Benny is thinkin’ he wants to be “first in line” for R5AY. He has a history of being in the right place at the right time. We shall see.
Melanie checked in at 1719, having just finished her TB shift, and confirmed that Benny & La’akea are still there. Melanie is sending photos but I’m told traffic is beyond nightmare, so you may not see her shots until your morning blog check.
Karen Rohter did send shots of La’akea, R5AY&Ola from her shift today. Thank you Karen !
Dana forwarded shots from Nick Marck taken today near Kawela Bay of an animal I believe to be BG (R303), based on ventral scars. I’ve asked Tracy for an opinion, but as of this writing I’ve gotten nothing back.
Kolohe and Pohaku
Rip at Maili Point
U/F probably BG
La'akea at turtle Bay
Ola loa feeding and getting her rolls on !! geesh getting larger !
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