At 1058 on a pan I found Kainoa (RN04) just hauling out, 50 ft right of 3BS. He would move up and remain the rest of the day.
Though Gayle and I covered the quadrant, those two animals would prove to be the cast, out this way.
Dana called with the report of an animal at Diamond Head, at 1102. Melanie responded and at 1241 confirmed the Buster (RV08) ID.
At 0707 Team Billand checked in with the report of Haupu (RB24) at L#1, KoOlina. She would depart at 0746, only to show up in L#2 at 0815, where she lolled the rest of the day.
At 1022 Dana called with a report of an animal at Laniakea. A photo was sent to Diane G., who forwarded it to me. 3rd hand info suggests the possibility that it was KC, however the shot is inconclusive, so an U/U is required.
At 1121 Dana called with the report of an animal at Bathtub Beach, Laie. Awaiting further word.
The highlight of the day came with multiple emails, all reporting that Mark Sullivan had confirmed a female sex for PO1, R5AY’s pup. As far as I know a D#4 determination is a rare thing, but Mark’s excellent shots confirm the call. Ya’ Done Good Mark !!
Kaiwi and the flight of the shearwater
what the hell was that...? an invasion!
PO1 belly shot.... it's about what's missing...
We have a little girl
Little Opihi clinging to momma
UU at turtle bay.... from? today?
Haupu is going to give us all a heart attack.... WTH !!!
Buster at Diamond Head....
now this is a handsome dude
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