Also at 0830 I panned to find Kea(RN46), Kainoa(RN04)& and UU ,and another juvenile sized animal all playing together on the beach at Right Greenery. They would be joined by an U/M at 0902. I believe him to be the same U/M from yesterday. The U/M, Kea & Kainoa all entered the water and played in the shallows at their entry point. Kea would end up hauling out alone at Left Middle Cliff at 1014, and Kainoa hauled out alone , 60 ft right of 3BS at 1024.
On a pan at 0920 on a pan I found RM38 just hauling out a 1BS.
The U/M that had been with the Kea & Kainoa would haul out at 1000 and move up to join Kaiwi.
At 0717 Team Billand reported Pohaku (RO28) at Nanakuli. Debbie would report her departure at 1354.

At 0829 Team Billand found Benny (RE74) at Paradise Cove. Terri advised that Benny departed at 1837.
At 0938 they reported Haupu (RB24), floating at L#4 , KoOlina
At 1244 the Billands found U’ilani (RN36) & RIP (RR70) together at Maili Point.
Colleen checked in at 1335 with the report of Buster (RV08) at the Lighthouse, Diamond Head.
Buster at Diamond Head
Benny at Paradise Cove
Pohaku at Nanakuli
Rip at Maili
U'ilani @ Maili
PO1 and Honey Girl
Absolute cuteness
1 comment:
God bless R5AY, I look at all the volunteers photos daily, thinking what a good mother she is. I think, if only, Haupu could be a mother to nurse and teach her pup life, as R5AY does. R5AY has had her share of trauma in her life..and some how she got through it all and still produced an angel..DA PUP.
I dont know what is causing Miss Haupu, that sweet fat girl to lose her pups. It hurts so bad to see her out there floating daily. I wonder if she is waiting for her PUP. SHe knows its there some where in Lagoon #4.
We tried really hard to keep folks away from her. She goes from the inlet/outlet when folks come, she goes to the bouys to rest her head. When the folks realize they is a MONK SEAL before them, they get so excited. We get MAD. Haupu deserves to MOURN..TO HEAL..SHE JUST LOST HER PUP..GIVE HER SPACE GUYS.
At one point she almost came up to the Waianae Side of Lagoon, but there were tourists right there who spotted her and ran to her. Such a shame, NO ONE CAN JUST LET HER BE. Security came out to warn the people, we watched our fat seal from Kauai...HAUPU..gently float back to the Buoys.
We stayed with Haupu till 6pm, keeping guard with her. We were hoping maybe, she would..LAND. But this poor soul, just keeps..FLOATING.
She is using the ropes and bouys to stay in one place, especially with high tide. She is smart to do that, if ONLY THERE WERENT FOLKS IN HER FACE.
Thanks to all who helped with the seals we found yesterday..Warren, Lauralyn, Terri, and if anyone else came..THANKS FROM OUR HEARTS.
Today is Saturday..its going to HUMANS on every beach..hope they have respect for the Hawaiian Monks that come a shore. And I hope we can get volunteers out there as well, we are going to need the help.
Maybe Haupu will leave lagoon #4 today...like she done last years trauma of losing her first son. She just disappeared, and was later located on Kauai where she was born.
What ever happens today..god be with her..she will be in our thoughts and prayers.
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