At 0805 Team Billand reported an animal foraging in the KoOlina Marina. At 0828 they would confirm the U’ilani (RN36) ID.
At 1004 they found Haupu (RB24) floating in Lagoon #2, KoOlina. NOAA personnel successfully captured her at 1252, and she was on her way to Ford Island for assessment. Awaiting further word.
At 1438 the Billands found Pohaku (RO28) & RIP (RR70) together at Maili Point. A 1453 the reported Nihoa (R912) hauled out at Maipalaoa Canal.
Aukai and Duke
the adoring fans....
U'ilani out at KoOlina.. wow! must be the happening place to be
clearly there's good eats there
Nihoa R912 looks like a unibrow
Rip still connected with his cell tag.... maybe we can get some maps soon just to see his and Benny's travels
Pohaku hanging out at Maili Point
and Rip at Maili Point
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