The SE quadrant was certified Monk Seal free on my first pass, however when I got back to Makai Pier at 0940, after a squall or two...or three... I found RIP, 80 ft left of 1BS, and Duke , 20 ft left of 1BS.
Mojo hauled out to RP's location at 1009, and with a few barks from RIP got the hint and Mojo galumphed over to harrass Duke. He got absolutely no response from Duke at all , and after a few minutes Mojo did the slow roll down to the water, and departed. He hauled out to Duke again at 1053 and once again Duke gave him nothing, so it was another roll into the water, and another haul out to RIP. This time around RIP was definitely not in the mood, and went off an Mojo big time. It was teeth, hair and eyeballs there for several seconds. Mojo got the heck out of there and reentered the water.
RIP and Duke would remain at the left end together for the rest of the day. At 1148, on a pan I found Mojo hauled out to the rubble beach at the far right end of the beach.
David Schofield called at 0903 to report that both KC and R5AY were at Kualoa Pt, along side the road. They were being tended to but volunteers. (yep I was one of them, Diane Gabriel and Tony too!)
Team Billand reported Kermit at WP at 1119 . Barbara initially found him at the last cottage at White Plains, but he would later relocate to another spot on the beach fronting cottage #1706.
Barbara called again at 1443 to say that she had just found Irma at Tracks. Irma had last been seen at Diamond Head on 3-27-10.
Team Billand next responded to a call from Shawn about an animal near Pokai Bay. At 1538 the confirmed that it was 2AW at the Army Rec. Beach. Folks staying there had gone to City Mill and bought rope and cones to cordon him off, and Xeroxed signs to put around the perimeter. Isn't it wonderful to hear something like that instead of the steady, seemingly neverending tales of idiots out there on the beaches ? Ya' Done Good folks !!!
RIP, Mojo and Duke