Thursday, December 25, 2008

Monk Seal Article from Hawaiian Airlines Magazine

Here is an article in this month's Hawaiian Airlines Inflight Magazine. DB

DB sent this link out to many of the volunteers, but I wanted to post it here as well so that all of our support and far away seal lovers had a chance to read it too!
Also I just want to acknowledge DB and the Billand(s) for their tireless and extraordinary dedication to these animals.... I guess the monk seals didn't know it was a holiday....
Thank you my friends, DB, Barb and Rob.


Barbara said...

This is one of the best articles written and so Glad DB represented all of us sealians. Good Job Onekanobe!! And Donna, thanks for the kind words. You're not so bad yourself! We appreciate all you do and your great Blog site. Hugs!!!! Now, I wish you all a Happy New Year!!!!!

Dana Jones said...

Fantastic article. Thanks for sharing Donna and thank you for this wonderful blog site. It keeps us all up to date and informed and that is so important. You are all great people to volunteer and work with. IT's certainly been a year of ups and downs, but the people involved in this cause are the most inspiring. I'm honored to know you all and thank you for all you do.