Monday, December 15, 2008

Volunteers Say Good Bye KP2

Dearest Blog Momma,
Today we were lucky to be at KP2's site and watch in awe how the professionals handle capture of a great mammal.
Greg Levine and Aubrey went in the pen with boards and gently got KP2 to come up to them. As KP2 moved in, Greg got his board pressed it against KP2, then Aubrey came in and got her board on the other side. They blocked his view and he kept plopping his way up to the cage. He went right in with no trouble. He did look a bit confused at what was happening but he made no loud sounds what so ever. Greg closed the door. The little muchkin was in!!!
He was scurried away by Jen Maldonado, Robert Billand, Raffe, and Tod. Jen had to give her side to Schofield and Aubrey...the munchkin was heavy. He was weighed on a scale on the upper road way. Then the volunteers carried him to the truck that was waiting to transfer him to the Coast Guard Chopper. We all got in our cars and drove to the airfield and the awaiting aircraft. It was impressive that this little seal has stirred so much emotion and care in all of us. I was a total wreck watching it all. The tears just kept flowing like a water fall.
At the airfield, the bright orange chopper was awaiting the Famous Monk Seal that was abandoned from Kauai. I was filled with such emotion I just can not explain. I was a wreck!!! It was like watching my grandson going away. And I felt Robert, my husband, was carring my heart with him to KP2 out there. I had to stay out of the way and remained alone on the airfield trying to film the whole event from afar.
It was along time before the chopper started its engines. Mean while a bunch of news people were after me for an interview. I begged them to go to JIm Brown and His wife or the other volunteers. I'm not a good talker and I was told to contact David Schofield for information. Those folks didn't give up on me and kept saying come on, we'd like to interview you as you seem so emotionally effected. And they wouldn't stop!! Finally I said, I talk a little but I'm not supposed to.
The first question and I just burst into tears. But the lady news person kept at it. I told them to just film the chopper and not me as I was a total mess. Still, they kept bugging me. Well, I said what I said, guess that was enough and they walked away. I tried to continue the photographs best I could, crying all the way. Dana Jones came up to me and hugged me. We both shared a moment of tears.
The chopper doors closed. The engines started!! I was histerical!!! But I kept filming and snapping pics. Wow, how can this little pup take over our souls? I blew him a kiss, I said a prayer, and the chopper turned toward us with one last look...then he sped up and flew away into the gray skies carrying our sweet, sweet KP2. Oh my gosh, I thought, what an amazing three months it had been with this pup. He was loved by all, he will never be forgotten!! Look at all the emotions he has stirred in us. May he have the life that he so deserves!!! He needs to feel the depth of the ocean. He needs to see coral heads and other fish to chase and eat. He needs FREEDOM to be a MONK SEAL. And Maybe some day one of us can call Tracy with a report of a seal with two transmitters at a beach on his tags #RW46/RW47...KP2!!! And we must also call DB....the seal whisperer too. I look forward to that day.
SO long KP2, the abandoned pup from KAUAI...You are a true Hawaiian Monk Seal and We wer proud to have taken part in such an amazing Project. Live long KP2!!!!!!! Love you!!!! with a zillion kisses!!!! BB


Barbara said...

OOPPSS!!!! I am sorry to say..I made an error in the blog story with KP2. I ment to say Karen Bryan was also carrying the cage with the others. Forgive me Karen Bryan, it was just an emotional event. I never ment to leave you out! To all the others thank you for everything. We were all an AWESOME TEAM!! The Monk Seal Project was Successful!! It has been an honor to be involved with all of you!! And KP2...we will miss you, you are the shining star of HOPE!!!

Dana Jones said...

What an honor it was to work with everyone. My prayers for a healthy long life go out to KP2. Have a wonderful life of discovery and come back to see us.

Aloha, until we meet again.