At 1049 an U/U hauled out to the three others, and after a brief interaction with Kainoa, it move up and into the Morning Glory, becoming nearly invisible. At the risk of sounding like Yogi... If I didn’t know it was there, I wouldn’t have known it was there.
Both Gayle and I explored the quadrant and this RI crew was it for the day.

A DanaTxt at 1100 advised that Rocky (RH58) may have overnighted at Kaimana Beach. She advised that Karen Rohter had gone down and put up signs. Rocky departed at 1050.
Team Billand found RL42 at Makua Cliffs at 1323.
Kekoa Kea Kainoa and UU
UU Kekoa Kainoa and Kea
Rocky at Kaimana
RL42 at Makua Cliffs
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