On my first Rabbit Island look I found what would prove to be Kainoa (RSN04) just hauling out fronting 1BS. When I got back at 0803 he was barely visible in Morning Glory, but later moved down, allowing the ID. He was once again the only RI resident today.

As we were departing the talk, Colleen advised that her “Spidey Sense” told her that she would hear from Rocky again. Sure enough a 1638 ColleenTxt advise that Kaimana lifeguards had reported an animal at Kaimana Beach. Colleen was on the way. Colleen confirmed that remained at dark.

At 0930 a DanaTxt advised that Jon Gelman had reported a lone animal at Right Spot’s Spot, Turtle Bay. Awaiting further word.
Also there was a report of an animal in Hauula. Karen Turner responded and confirmed that it was RI37. Dotty & Sue were going to keep a eye on her.
Lastly, there was a report from Tony Querubin of an animal on Moku Nui. His drone shots show an animal, but no ID is possible.
Kainoa on Rabbit Island
Rocky at Rock Piles....
Aerial view of Moku Nui
I'll post the video
RI37 hanging out in Hauula
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