When I returned at 0850 Aukai (RL12) was added to the cast, fronting 1BS, and I found Kainoa (RN04) newly hauled out at 3BS, and moving up to the Morning Glory.
On a pan at 0946 I found what would prove to be Kea (RN46) just hauling out at Seal Rock Inlet. He would immediately move behind rocks and become total invisible. It would take 5 hours to actually get the Kea ID.
Gayle called at 1005 with the report of Rocky (RH58) at Spitting Cave.
At 0729 Team Billand called with the report of Haupu (RB24) at Lagoon#4 at KoOlina. They confirmed the ID at 0742.
The day went totally downhill after that. Dana mail advised that a Hotline call at 1106 brought word of a small black seal on the bottom of L#4. Volunteer Warren Miles confirmed that and saw to the retrieval of Haupu’s aborted fetus, at 1139.Team Billand arrived and confirmed the situation. NOAA personnel arrived and took charge of the male fetus. This was her 2nd such episode. The Billands advised that Haupu departed at 1308. Mahalos toFances Swike, Susan Harverty, and Lionel Trueman, all of home played a role in dealing with today’s events.
At 1419 the Billands advised that DOCARE Officer Colt called them with the report of RIP (RR70) at LahiLahi. They responded and confirmed the RIP ID. While there they also found Nihoa (R912), also at LahiLahi, at Makaha Valley Rd.
In the Yesterday’s News department Rikki Gobles sent shots from her first day with R5AY&PO1, at Turtle Bay,
Aukai, RM38 UM and Kaiwi
Kaiwi UM RM38 aukai
Rocky at Spitting Cave
Haupu at KoOlina
such a sad day for Haupu.... I hope there will be some light shed on what/why this happened.... then again we just might ever know.
Nihoa at Lahilahi
Rip at Lahilahi
A lady that works at KoOlina called us of the seal in Lagoon 4.
We went down immediately, after getting through Nanakuli Traffic.
Upon arrival Haupu wasnt on the bouys at all like she been doing daily. She was mid of lagoon 4, alert, looking around. People came we advised not to swim with her, nor go anywhere near her. All were good.
She suddenly started to dart right and left of lagoon, she arched her body like a dolphin across the lagoon. And then just before ten am, Haupu came right up to shore, anxious looking, I thought, come on sweet Haupu, come on shore. We will take care of you..we wont let anyone bother you today.
After two minutes near the rocks,she darted back to deep water in the lagoon.
We had to leave for an appointment in Maili, I called Warren Miles if he could keep watch on Haupu. I told him she is alert today and moving around.
I watched HAUPU once last glance and Rob and I left Lagoon 4.
While at the meeting Warren called and said the pup was seen at the lagoon dead, they were looking for a net and some one to get the carcass.
We went back to Lagoon 4, saw all those people at site looking. I saw the net on the ground, THE PUP IN THE NET. OH MY GOD...what a cute little thing,with flippers, finger nails, eyes shut, her mouth almost like SMILING. Oh no, I wish I could have blown air into its body to retrieve her. I was feeling so awful. I got the information from the Man who brought the pup up on shore..Mr Lionel TRUEMAN of Waianae. The ladies who got the placenta from the rocky area, Frances Swike, Susan Haverty of KoOlina area. They told me they saw us leaving and tried to call to us what they saw. DAM IT..I wish I turned around again...dam it.
Many thanks to Warren Miles Of KoOlina for coming out when I called him...for being there and finding a diver, a net at Marina and calling us back.
I sat with the pup, just crying like a baby, wishing there was a better ending to this story. Hoping Miss Haupu RB24, the Kauai seal, would be ok.
She was still floating out there at the outlet, snorklers at her again. I tried to yell at them to leave her be and not go near her. SHE JUST LOST HER BABY!!!!!!
Mark Sullivan came down with a NOAA man to retrieve the carcass. We watched as Mark put its tiny body in the bag...Bj was there with me and we both said a prayer for the little angel...god bless him..oh and by the way ...it was a boy..Haupu's second son, DEAD.
The body was taken, Dana and Warren gathered the poles and signs put out..I ran over to see Haupu leave the lagoon and head west. I ran along with her, until I lost her...DAM IT. I wanted to see her, to see if she would finally LAND somewhere.
By 1:47pm..ROB Myself and BJ gave up looking for Haupu..We all departed KoOlina.
No one called to say there was a floating seal any more in Lagoon whatever.
And we managed to see two more seals in Makaha..R912 and Rip.
I dont know how to feel anymore..my heart is torn into a billion pieces. We tried so hard to educate folks at Maipalaoa and KoOlina..but in the end..we lost our little angel..Prayers to Haupu. She suffered alot for weeks.
I will never ever forget that pup in that net. He was beautiful, sweet. Blessings little one.
Many Mahalos to the hot line callers in helping this sad situation be reported. Warren responded as a true volunteer and we are grateful for his professional and decisive acts. Thank u warren for following protocols and making sure that all that was asked was completed. Your calls to make sure all protocols were followed and following those directions make you a true asset to the monk seal recovery program. All the people at Ko'olina that assisted and Team Billand that are always giving so much deserve a big Mahalo for all the grace and respect thatt was required today and in the previous days shown to Haupu. Mahalo and love to you all.
So sad to hear the news about Haupu and her pup.
RIP little one. I pray that Haupu will be ok.
I wish that others would talk on the blog so I can have a conversation about sad and happy things. Unless it is just for the volunteers.
I taught a month long lesson to the children that I work with all about Monks Seals last year and One of the students talks to me a lot about the Monk Seals and remembers so much he remembers Honey Girl and loved seeing her new pup.
So Sorry about the news.
@Madhatter .... no the blog is for everyone... as long as people are respectful of one another. And I agree, I welcome conversations.... people should feel free to express themselves and participate in a conversation.
I do know sometimes it's hard to put your feelings down in words, especially when you are feeling frustrated and angry.... But if it's a way for us to process some of these situations and feelings then people should feel free to express themselves.
My heart was broken with the news of Haupu losing her pup. I had been so concerned for her well being during my last visit to Hawaii. Now sweet Haupu is gone, too. There are no words to express my sadness for her loss. My condolences to the monk seal community and all those who watched over her and tried to help her. Thank you everyone. A special thanks to Robert and Barbara for their care and concern for Haupu and all the other seals they have watched over. I was blessed to have seen Haupu one last time when she hauled out at Paradise Cove with Kolohe and will have those last pictures to remember her. RIP beautiful, sweet Haupu.
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