Wednesday, August 3, 2011

8-2-11 My Afternoon with Honey Girl and Pup

Aloha good people..... I was on the afternoon shift today with mom and pup. thanks to new volunteer Deena for staying longer while i made my way through traffic. This is Deena's first pup experience so she for sure will be experiencing all the "awww and ohhhh" moments.   Upon arrival there was a water session ending and a very brief attempt at feeding, did not last long. Mom and pup went into snooze mode for a bit and then the kid re-entered the water for some fun. Lo and behold the pup was up on the rocks when mom started calling, instead of going into the water and around... the little bugger took the short cut up and over.......for sure a very active and strong pup.  There was a feeding session about 5:00 and then they both went into snooze mode with the exception of a couple of nuzzles and rolls. ENJOY the pics.... ~da blog lady~

 mom you calling me?
 okay i'm coming....
 i'm hungry mom ... roll over
 ma! you're crushing me.... let me gooooo!
 love you too!
 what's up there?
 there.... up there in the sky!
 mom where did you go?
 i'll put my head down Zzzzzzzz
 goodnight baby


Diga said...

Really nice photos Donna!

Liz said...

Amazing photos Donna- you really got some great shots