Before leaving Turtle Bay I decided to do a quick check. I usually start at Ola's and ask at the rental shack if they have seen any seals. They did not see any so I checked behind the little rental shack and scanned the beach with binoculars. I did not see any seals until I ask an elderly lady if she had seen any. She/Victoria had just come back from hiking the beach and surprised me by saying yes and pointed way down the beach. I could not see any seal in the usual spot through my binoculars. I described the Keiki lagoon and Victoria said yes that is where she saw the seal In the mean time she should me some great pictures that revealed the seal to be Right Spot.

So I thought maybe the seal was at the elbow aka Mckenzie's cove. I again peddled as fast as I could. No luck, no seal. So I headed back to where I should have checked earlier which was Right Spot's Spot and low and behold there was Right Spot flashing her beautiful natural bleach spot on her right lower side. Well she was actually 200ft further down from her normal spot. That is why I could not see her through my binoculars on my first check. During that seal check I got another call from Dana saying that a seal was being harasses at Sunset Beach.
Once again I popped my bike on the bus and headed towards Sunset Beach. I stopped first at the Sunset Beach lifeguard stand and from there I could see a seal at Val's Reef/Mother's Beach. The lifeguards said they did not rope her off because if they did bus loads of tourists would flock directly there. I agree especially experiencing the crowd there from the past haul out. I did suggest to at least put up the signs that Dana had left them the week before and they agreed, but we will see? It would be great to have more volunteers to stay at Sunset Beach but it doesn't always work that way!

I told her I could not stay because I was going to check on the seal at the cabins that was reported to me earlier at 7:45am. Originally it was reported that the seal there was N29/RI37? I was confused. I talked to DB. Then I talked to Liz who was called by Dana, Liz actually went there to the cabin's and took pictures. Thanks Liz:) Liz was a lifesaver she had come all the way out to Sunset help me with N29 and to get me. She was going to bring me to the cabins but after reviewing her photos I felt 99% sure it was KC at the cabin's, obviously is couldn't have been N29/RI37 because of the ID I made at Sunset.
Liz will send in pictures. Great job Liz I can't thank you enough!

Thanks to Victoria a tourist at Turtle Bay for letting me know about Right Spot and Judy who first spotted the seal at the Cabin's and Liz for the pictures of KC and the hot dog:) Also many thanks to Waiyi for protected N29/RI37 until someone could arrive. Of course gotta thank the seal sighting line, Dana and DB for all of the support when your out in the field. It can get crazy out there? I was exhausted so Liz dropped me off at Home in Haleiwa. I hope all is well with the seals.
It was an exciting day searching for seals, it just pumps me up!!!! :)
Well I hope I did the right thing out there, every time you go out it is a different situation and a great learning experience! So much happens out there that you can't even explain!
RI37 @ Sunset
Right Spot @ Turtle Bay
caution tape - we need to replace with plain rope... we want to get away from SPZs looking like a crime scene. If you want to know more please go to the 5/26 meeting at the Outrigger Ohana East @ 6:00 PM.
aloha kelly girl
Do you see that guy in the picture heading into Right Spots SPZ. I missed the picture but he turned around with his buttock facing me and a few tourists and did some toe touching with his G-String on. OMG! Yuk! hahaha! He is known as the Teddy Bear man because he plays with Teddy bears that he brings to the beach to play with. Do you see what I mean by it being crazy out there! Oh well couldn't resist the comment:)
Wish we could have permanent volunteer seal watch at Turtle Bay and Sunset for that matter. I am spread thin as I work 40 hours during the normal work week.
The caution tape is what Turtle Bay had set up. Although they have been given numerous signs and rope from Dana this is what they had done and were told to do by their boss.
I would have taken down the tape but there would have been no signs warning people to stay clear. I will try and pack signs on my bike and bring them on the bus for future use. (Unless they set up a small shed out there for sign and rope purposes. I think they do that in Kauai)?
I've reminded Turtle Bay Security to call the seal sighting line when they see one but they said it is not apart of what they were told by their boss. I am just a volunteer and feel uncomfortable telling them what to do, but I tried in a nice way:)
I think Dana and Dera have a planned meeting with Security to re-educated them to improve their zones.
Again I am just so thankful Turtle Bay security atleast does what they do:) Thanks TBS:)
Moral of the story is "We need more volunteers" but they do not just appear out of thin air and people really have to want to get out there and get er done!!
All is good, kelly girl:)
Two, maybe three sides of a story:
One: if somebody tells you there is a seal some where, don't believe it until you see it and ID it.
Two: Just because you tell people what and how to do things doesn't always mean they can pull off exactly what you want them to due to unforseen circumstances!
Three: If you weren't there you just don't know the circumstances and you can only comment or micro-manage from a distance. But you still weren't there?
Dear Anon... points well taken. Not sure what exactly you are referring to... however if it is about my comment regarding the use of caution tape... I know one doesn't know the circumstances unless they are there.... and I am not micromanaging.
But this is my blog and one of the responsibilities I have taken is to make sure people are made aware of what the Monk Seal Response Network is looking to accomplish.
I would encourage you to introduce yourself as it is a lot easier to speak to an individual than an unknown.
donna ~da blog lady~
The comment wasn't meant to offend you, however for years I have watched those hard working volunteers at Sunset Beach and everytime the circumstance was different. I personally see nothing wrong with caution tape, it doesn't mean there is a crime scene it means "Caution" and caution ususally means to stay back. Only idiots run right up and into a caution zone. But give those volunteers more credit they can't always stay with those seals over night. I enjoy the blog so thank you.
Thank you Anon!
AND yes its all about the volunteers.... For without them (us) much of the work on the beaches wouldn't get done.... and this blog wouldn't exist.
So here's to all the volunteers!
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