On a pan at 1047, on a pan I found Buster (RV08) newly hauled out, 50 ft left of 2BS on RI. At 1315 Kolohe would haul out to join him and both snoozed away the rest of the day together, moving up with the rising tide was the only action.
Team Billand reported Makaiwi (R4DF) fronting #1701 at Nimitz Cottages. This is D#7 of her NIM stay. A
witness told the Billands that Makaiwi departed at approximately 1715. At 0913 they found Noa (R6FI) at Maili Point.
Dera checked in at 1704 to advise that RI37, and a possible Right Spot were on the beach, together at Sunset Beach. Dera called again at 1730 to advise that a 3rd seal had hauled, separate from the other 2 at Sunset. Dana called at 1850 to advise that Jeannie Martinson had reported the animals as KC, RI37 and Right Spot.
Maka'iwi @ Nimitz
Noa 6FI/6FJ

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