Team Billand checked in at 0901 to advise that Makaiwi (R4DF) and Max (R5EW) a couple of hundred feet apart at Nimitz Cottages. Max departed at 1602.
Dera (Welcome back from vacation) checked in at 1513 to advise of an U/U in Mokuleia. Thank you to Judy, Bonnie & Paul for the response and the photo proof of KC (RK28).

Also in the yesterday's news department, Team Billand managed to get the Pohaku (RO28) at Maili Point (5-21-11) photos out of the camera memory.
I did an end of day recheck of Rabbit Island at 1800. RIP had relocated to 80 right of 3BS, M&M had relocated to Seal Rock Inlet at the right end of the beach, and Buster was nowhere to be found. Still no pup. Maybe tomorrow ????
Pohaku @ Maili Point on 5/21
2AW @ Mokuleia on 5/21
KC @ Mokuleia on 5/23
The ID on KC was my fault for encouraging you to believe it was KC but I said I was only 99% sure! I should have went to see on my own instead of trying to ID from a picture. What a learning experience. Thanks DB and Dera! We were all wrong:(
Gosh DB/Dera, I flunked hahaha! Well not really a laughing matter but I have never meet 2AW. Can you give me some info on her/him? I have only seen what...6 seals, Right Spot, R5AY, Ua Malie, Lona, and KC and Rocky so I still have so much to learn and am far from being an expert on IDing:) Is 2AW pregant also? I should have went to check it out if only to get a chance to meet a new seal. Thanks to Liz for the picture other wise we would have never known.
Kelly Girl, first of all, let me say, you are doing an excellent job with the seals. Next: dont worry about flunking ID's. We do the same thing ourselvs. Sometimes, its just hard to id a seal, when they always seem to lie on the ID PART WE NEED TO SEE. We know how it feels to be wrong on ID, like crap..but, hey you gave it a shot, NO WORRIES. And by the way, 2AW/2AZ is a fat MALE. The old fart is in his 20's and is a big boy. He is often seen at Tracks, Elec Beach, Kaena Pt, Campbells, Nimitz, North Shore areas. He gets around alot. And in the photo, I didnt know it was him MYSELF...HE. HE.
Thanks Barbara, I feel better:) I did feel like crap hahaha! We just love them so much that's why! Learning everyday, just wish I could do it everyday!
kelly girl
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