At 0638, from Makai Pier, I found M&M (R020) and Pup on D#2, at mid beach, Seal Rock Inlet, on Rabbit Island. At 0646 what would prove to be Buster (RV08), hauled out of SRI and moved up to the Morning Glory, passing 20 ft right of Mom. I relocated to the Makapuu Overview at 0656, and from there found that Buster had joined up with Kolohe (RW322), who I'd not seen on my first look. He was probably up in the Morning Glory , and I'd just missed him in the morning glare. They would play a bit and then both moved down to the water and departed, again passing 20 ft from Mom, and drawing no interaction.

When I got back to Makai Pier at 0839, I found that M&M and Pup had moved down to the water front rocks to the left of SRI,where they would remain the rest of the day, and that Buster and Kolohe had returned and were now joined by Duke (RA12), just below the Morning Glory, 60 ft left of SRI. They would later move down to the water line, and all three remained there the rest of the day. Though there was no water session, the kid did stay wet through the middle of the day at the shore line , with the rising tide. There were a few feeds, but all on the opposite side of Mom, from my location.
Team Billand checked in at 0750 with the report of Kermit (R4DG), fronting #1706 at White Plains.
At 0845 they found Makaiwi (R4DF), fronting #1806 at Nimitz Cottages.

Tracy called at 1520 to advise that she and Dera had did the Ka'ena Point trek today, and found no CeeCee, however they did see Ka'ena (RO40), Kerby (RW08)and Noa (R6FI) at the point, and RI37 and T15M at a beach about half way between the point and the Mokuleia side parking lot (I forgot the name of the beach). Photos tomorrow.
Dana called at 1604 to advise that volunteer Candy Green , reported R5AY at Hauula. I'm told that there are no photos.
On my 1800 recheck of RI, all remained as I'd left it at 1600.
Mom and Pup Day 2
Kermit @ White Plains
Maka'iwi @ Nimitz
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