Oh I need to mention, that Lesley, Terri and I arrived with luggage filled with warm clothing.... Today temps were a record breaking 80 degrees... Once we finished our tour of the facility... we decided to take advantage of a picture perfect day and headed over to San Francisco (one of my favorite places) and play tourist... AND where do you think we went? Pier 39 of course!!!
Enjoy a couple of snapshots from today's adventure.... Tomorrow we will begin our official hands-on day at the center. ~da blog lady~
Team Hawaii
Lesley and a new friend (no worries it's a statue)
Open those golden gates
Tolls... $6.00 - Nice lady had a rose on her booth
Sea Lions @ Pier 39 not very crowded
Picture Perfect Day
Lesley making friends all over the city
And lastly as we were driving back to our cottage on the island separating the road were 3 deer just grazing as traffic went by... of course the we needed to make a u-turn and head back... several attempts without lighting failed until Lesley did a slow drive by and Terri was hanging out the window and took this great shot... (PHOTO)
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