Also at 0637 I found what would prove to be Kolohe (RW22) just moving down from the Morning Glory. When I got back to Makai Pier at 0830 he was tucked in behind the water front rocks, 60 ft left of Seal Rock Inlet. He too would remain the rest of the day. He galumphed to Seal Rock Inlet at 1136, passing Mom and the kid. Mom was watching but there was no interaction. Kolohe entered the water, and hauled out again minutes later, right back where he'd started. It's easy to see that he is very interested in the new kid on the block.

At 0732 they found Max (R5EW) newly arrived at #1708, at White Plains.
Barbara rattled off lots of volunteer names on that side today. To one and all....Thank You...........Very Much !!! (anyone who knows all the volunteers give a shout out.... I would like to acknowledge them... I am sure it was a crazy time out on the beaches.... wish I didn't have to work, I would have been out there too).
Kolohe and M+M, Pup
Duke at Spitting Cave
Maka'iwi @ Nimitz
Beautiful Girl
Happy Trails to you
Mr. Cutey Pie Max @ White Plains
so relaxed
Lisa Croft from NOAA, her friend Lani and Glen Cober
snoozing max while surfs up
Big Momma in the house... Irma @ windsock
Great Shot! says it all about our faithful volunteers especially Mr. Rob
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