At 0640 I found M&M w/Pup (R020), at mid beach, at Seal Rock Inlet on Rabbit Island. They would move down to the water front rocks and remain there until late in the day when the rising tide forced them to move up a bit. There was no water time today. Nearly all activity occurred out of my line of sight on the other side of Mom. There were feeds, and lots of snoozin' .
When I got back to Makai Pier at 0823 I found that there were new cast members. I found Kolohe (RW22), at M&M's location but approximately 20 ft away. I saw M&M talk to him right as I looked into the scope, and Kolohe got the hint, remaining 20 to 25 ft distant, all day.

Also at 0823 I found Duke (RA12), 60 ft right of 3BS. He would remain at that location all day. Team Billand checked in at 0723 with the report of Makaiwi (R4DF), fronting #1806, at Nimitz Cottages. They also reported that Kermit (R4DG) was lolling in the shallows at that location. At 0740 they reported that Kermit hauled out approximately 100 ft away from Makaiwi. At 0826 they found Max (R5EW) fronting #1945 at Nimitz Cottages. At 0911 the Billands found Pohaku (RO28) at Secret Beach, KoOlina, in response to a Dera call.
Colleen checked in at 0755 to advise that Diamond Head was certified Irma free. I didn't find her either. Only Irma knows.
M+M and new pup
Kolohe, pup, and momma M+M
Duke cruising on his own
Maka'iwi and Kermit @ White plains Nimitz
Maximus cuteness @ white plains
Pohaku @ KoOlina
Morn, just to let ya know, the seals were all at Nimitz Beaches, not at white plains. It was so fun to watch Kermit hauling up, with Makaiwi popping up when she smelled him or senced him there. It was like she said, "KERMIT!!! THERE YOU ARE!!" Then she went on land, shoveling her way to him. Really cute. But they remained 100 ft. apart....all day long. And when Makaiwi left, she went right over to Kermit, as if trying to wake him up to go eat dinner. She snorted at him, made a noise like: "BORT", but Kermit was comotosed and never moved. So, Makaiwi went, FINE THEN, I"M leaving! And off she went.
Thanks Barb! I am back home and was so excited to actually post on the same time zone... I wasn't paying close attention.
Great shots by the way.
Welcome back HOME BLOG LADY!!!!!!
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