At 0720, from the Makapuu Overview I found Kolohe at the right end of the Middle Cliff area. He would remain there all day.
When I got to Makai Pier at 0740 I found Duke up in the grass at the right end of the beach at Seal Rock Inlet (SRI). He too would remain there the rest of the day .

There were no other calls.
This was D#36 for R5AY & Pup. My pal (and computer savior) John Johnson sent killer photos from Turtle Bay today. Thank You...............very much !
Sam and RIP
R5AY and an unbelievable porky pup
What precious shots to view. I wish we were there to see this too . I love that mouth shot and the one with Mom and Pup face to face...dont you wonder what a mom is telling her gigantic pup?? Is she saying..."I love you sweetheart..and soon you have to grow up and be on your own. I have to leave you, you need to fend for yourself. Remember honey, you'll always be in my thoughts, you'll always be in my prayers for a safe LONG life. I will miss you...but..I'll be seeing you around, just you need to be strong and smart...stay away from humans, hooks, nets, and those dogs who will sniff you out. If you go to R.I. you'll be safe with the seal get your but out there kid, swim free, eat healthy..I'll never forget you baby...I love you!" Oh sorry I cant tell you who your father to ask Jen Shoultz". Bah!!!!!
Opps! Forgot to comment on the shot of Kolohe, I see he was playing with a coconut...ah da cute!!!
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