Ka'ena and Benny
T15M and Benny
A gathering place for Hawaiian Monk Seal Supporters & Professionals to talk story. Report all Sightings to 808-220-7802 or email PIFSC.monksealsighting@noaa.gov
If you would like to know more about PEIS for Hawaiian monk seal recovery actions... Please check out the following link:
KP really active these past couple of months. Great pics, Auntie Barbara!
Thanks KK, You made my day...Always nice to hear KIND WORDS. Kp is surely an amazing place to be always. Once I went out there, feeling pretty excited in what may be out there and to my disappointment...there was ZIP!! All that walk and no seals...DEPRESSING. SO..these recent treks have been superb!! I am so very grateful, so blessed to find critters and met two for the first time..your KIKO and CEECEE. Still no Kerby on this visit...wonder if he will venture to R.I. next. HMMMM. Hey tomorrow is Sunday...Your scheduled hike..be looking forward to it. Be safe...hey been noticing DEAD birds, you see any???? And lots of divers lately, nothing to do about that. Seal ya kid....B
We've seen a couple of dead birds, but nothing trendy. (I think the same carcasses). Did note a few Shearwater eggs and mom's nesting them right along the trail... within the first 100 meters of Waianae side of the sanctuary area.
There better be divers out there right now. :-) Best time of year to do that. As long as they mind their business and are not being idiots,... no worries.
We'll see how today develops. Have a guy coming out this morning to hook our irrigation system into city pressure. If he's done before noon, we'll strap on the hiking shoes, but... if not... think we may pass this week. We'll see.
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