At 0824 Lona decided it was time to leave and started for the water. Lifeguard and Ranger personnel cleared the water, as the animals swam toward the right end "Cable Channel", however just 30 ft from the channel, Lona decided to instead galumph in amongst the exposed rocks on the reef, where they remained until 1014 when they passed through and got to the outside deeper water. They appeared to be headed out toward Witches Brew, and the day appeared to be over. I picked up the stuff, and headed for Spitting Cave in hopes of seeing them there.
At 1048 by sizeable butt had just hit the rocks at Spitting Cave when the phone rang. It was Ranger Jack. "Their Baaaack !!!!". When I arrive back at HB at 1100 I found Charlie and Lona at the far right end of the beach. We just cordoned off the right end and they lived happily ever after. I'll be going back shortly to check on them.
I'm happy to report that there was , in fact, a 3rd seal at HB today. At 0730 Jack reported an animal on the left end rock flats. I found Ewa Girl in her old location. This was the first time since 8-1-09 that she had been at HB. It is my guess that she is on her way to RI for her molt, but only Ewa Girl knows.
When I finally got to Makai Pier at 1215 I found only Kolohe at Rabbit Island.
Diane Gabriel sent photos of Ua Malie at Turtle Bay. She appeared to have fishing line in her mouth, but Diane said it appeared to be there only a short while, and she didn't seem hooked, but it should definitely be something to look for tomorrow. I've sent the shots to the office. A late email from Tracy said that a team will go out to access the situation.
On a 1730 check of RI I found that Kolohe remained the only RI resident.
On an 1800 check of Hanauma Bay , Charlie and Lona were gone, however Ewa Girl was still there.
Ewa Girl
Lona and Charlie
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