When I got to Makai Pier at 0819 I found a gang of 5, all together on the far left end of the beach at Rabbit Island. They would prove to be Buster, Mojo, M&M, Duke and Kolohe. Buster and Mojo would have words at 0829, and Buster took off. I did not see him again today. Mojo entered the water at 0830, but did a series of 3 additional haul outs to the same location, interaction with all the animals, and getting no interest at all. He would depart again after each try. What would prove to be his last departure came at 0849. I did not see him again after that.
Duke and Kolohe would enter the water together at 1036, for a swim/play session. At 1106 they met Sam off shore of 1BS, and all three continued play, ranging as far as 3BS and then back to the left end. All three hauled out together at the left end and remained there the rest of the day.
Team Billand called at 1246 to report Rocky and Makaiwi together on the beach at Kermit's Reef, on the west side of the Nimitz Jetty. They departed for lunch at 1400 and got back at 1519 to find firefighters battling yet another brush fire behind the Kermit's Reef location. Rocky was gone, and Makaiwi departed shortly after their arrival, due to all the noise and activity.
Dana checked in at 1530 to advise that Ua Malie had spent the day around the point in the Kahuku direction from the Keiki Pond.
I did a 1700 recheck of Hanauma Bay, and found that Ewa Girl was no longer there.
On my 1722 recheck of Rabbit Island I found that Ewa Girl was back at yesteday's location, just right of 2BS.
Duke, Mojo, M+M and Kolohe
Kolohe, Sam and Duke
Ewa Girl
1 comment:
So glad Miss Ewa Girl showed up at Haunama Bay and then back to R.I. She is much safer there then at Campbells area. And she is finally molting...yeah! She been wondering about for a long time, good she is back with Da Whisperer. She gained weight, just in time for MOLTING. And so, if she gets pregnant...you know who the DADDY IS again..RIP. That boy gets around alllll the way from R.I. to be with her.He was persistant. Really great shot of her at Haunama Bay...she is lovely, even if her body is Molting.
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