The only critters found were the Rabbit Island crowd. At 0639 I found RIP and Kolohe in the Morning Glory, 40 ft left of 1BS. Sam was just scooting up to that location.
When I got back to Makai Pier at 0950 I found that Duke and joined the cast. He and RIP were on the far left end of the beach. Kolohe and Sam were in the midst of what has become their regularly scheduled, morning swim/play session. They would haul out together to join RIP and Duke at 1036. All four of the boys remained there all day, in snooze mode.
There were no other critter calls except for an exasperated Team Billand, who have been getting skunked lately. The were so desperate that they even drove to town to check Sand Island. They still got skunked.....Bummer !!
A 1745 call from Colleen , at Diamond Head made my whole day. Two doors down from her house, Makaiwi was snoozin' on the beach ! I know this will make Auntie Barbara very happy....
Sam RIP Kolohe and Duke
Maka iwi
Makaiwi, you are a very lucky seal to have come to the shores of Colleen and DB. They will care for you, you broke CURFEW kid. You went way far away from us old guys...we miss you and hope you make a trek back so we can see you again.I can see you are gaining weight...thats great. Be safe...call when you can, he.he. Well, she does have a cell tag.
yes Barb I knew you would be happy... speaking of calling I wonder where her maps are, would be nice to see the path she took to see Aunty Colleen. Wouldn't it be a hoot if she showed up on rabbit island to hang out with all the cousins.
Makaiwi does look good.
Speaking of cell tags, I wonder where Kermit has gone. It seems like ever since he had that tranmitter attached he has become the energizer bunny. He just goes and goes. Diane
Yes, since Kermits cell tag day of March 1, he has been on the move. Before he was consistent at his spots of White Plains, Nimitz and Windsock. He has changed, but we suspect any day now, we will find him out there. Cant wait.
Yes, I do want to see the maps again..they always provide amazing travels of a monk seal. I wish we could have access to that information too. Funny thing with all these transmittered animals, you got to really check which is which...you got to know the animals other markers..keeps us on our toes. Yes, I would REALY LOVE TO SEE MAKAIWI'S maps..she too used to hang with us at Nimitz for days, now she is traveling too. Who knows, maybe this is what Monk Seals do all the time...travel, looking for parkng on a beach. Lately there aint no parking with the hundreds of beach goers out there. Last we saw Kermit out at Plains, he was struggling for a parking space, but, the humans wouldnt give him that opportunity, so he left.
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