On Monday, December 14th we had some sad seal news on Molokai. One of our seals identified as R019 was found dead near 20 mile marker east of Kaunakakai. R019 was a large male that was missing his right rear flipper. Volunteers were dispatched to the area to determine if the seal was actually dead. The seal was dead and efforts were then made to remove him from the water and to "ice" him down until the NOAA team from Oahu could come the next morning to preform the necropsy. Results of the necropsy will not be known for a period of time. We volunteers are hoping that R019 just died of natural causes and not any foul play. I have attached a photo taken of R019 the last time I observed him on September 25. At that time he appeared healthy and very green.
Interesting that we lost a seal monday, yet gained one on Oahu with the discovery of RA50. Nature has such an interesting way doesn't it!
I do hope this guy had a long life and that it was a matter of Mother Nature taking back her own. We welcome the new kid with lots of Aloha and say goodbye to what we hope was a long life of passages and a peaceful slumber back to seal heaven for R019. Hopefully the necropsy will confirm a peaceful voyage.
Another traagic loss!!!!!!
I saw on KITV news tonite that it was another intentional killing!!!!
I'm glad to hear an investigation by NOAA is on going. But I pray the "MANIAC" is caught and severely punished for this dispicable act!!
Justice must be sought and carried out!! No longer any slap on the wrists, but a lenghthy jail time and a hefty fine!!!!
Do the crime, do the time and pay the fine!!!
I sit here, wondering why another poor monk seals life was taken. I wonder, what can we all do to help out? We go to beach after beach, putting out those ropes and signs, people still cross them, people still walk into the zones marked off for a seal to be basking in peace. Look at Penelope, killed in a net..MAN. Hoku, killed, why? Unknown. MAN?? Seals on Kauai, shot in the head April 19th, Seal shot to death, female with a male pup ready to be born...reason...MAN. And now...R019..a seal with one hind flipper..found dead!! Why?? MAN???? Is there any justice to all these horrific slaughters??? What do we do??? What can be done?? Please...take action, no more words, no more talk!!! Find the bastard. Seems he has no heart!! I feel fear for all Monk Seals. Why can they not come a shore to rest, they are willing to share the beach, what is wrong with MAN??? I am out of words...I am sad!!!! So long R019, I am so sorry. Funny how you managed to get along with one hind flipper all those years....you never gave up. You never gave up. I'm sorry.
Hope they catch the murdering bastard(s).
This is the only link that I could find on-line:
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