Just as I was leaving HB, I got a call at 0636 from yet another Sandy Beach posse person, Sheryl, reporting that there was now another animal near the one I had roped off. When I arrived at 0642 I found Irma approximately 30 ft east of Right Spot, and duly cordoned her off.
When I finally got a look at Rabbit Island , from Makai Pier at 0735 I found what would prove to be Kolohe at the right end of the beach. He would be the one and only RI resident today. I had seen shots of Kolohe at Sea Cave yesterday,12-17-09, on the Island Diver's website.
When I got to Spitting Cave at 0759 I found posse persons, Joel & Stacey Stella there. They immediately told me that there an animal there. Sure enough at 0802 up popped Buster. We observed several 7 minute dives.
Somewhere in the 1100 time frame I did a Sandy Beach recheck, and there was Stacey again sitting with Irma & Right Spot. After adjusting the cordons, I continued on. At 1235 Stacey called with the report of an idiot walking through the cordons and giving her attidude when she tried to get him to stop. I called DOCARE, and lo and behold they actually showed up in a timely manner, and Stacey called back at 1304 to say that DOCARE was there and had the guy, and were talking to him. I have no further word on the outcome.
When I returned to Sandy Beach on my 1400 recheck I was totally shocked to see a THIRD animal near Right Spot. I had received no calls and just happened on to the situation. Regular readers already know, right ?.....................It was , of course, Benny, newly returned from two days at Molokai. Witnesses I spoke with after redoing the line, said he had arrived at approximately 1330. I swear , I'm not even surprised. I fully expected a Benny call today. He had been on Molokai the last couple of days, which seems to be his threshold for Molokai, and with two hot chicks at Sandys how could he NOT show up ! I'll be returning to Sandy Beach shortly.
Team Billand called at 0645 to report Kermit at White Plains.........again, and called again at 1628 to advise that he was still there, and that Kermit was the only SW quadrant critter seen today.
Right Spot departed Sandy Beach at 1810. Benny followed at 1824, but came back and joined Irma for a bit, at 1833. Irma was not happy about that and Benny departed again at 1840. Irma was the last to leave at 1850.
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