When I got my first look at Rabbit Island at 0726 I found Right Spot snoozin' comfortably right of 1BS. She remained there all day.
I became aware of a partially visible animal hidden in the Morning Glory at the right end of the beach on Rabbit Island at 1000. It would take awhile but it prove to be Kolohe. He never moved down through the day. He seemed perfectly happy to cruise in the Morning Glory all day.
At 1158 I got a call from posse person emeritus, June Kawamata called to report an animal at Irma's. When I arrived at 1201 I found Rocky on the beach. We cordoned her off and she has remained there the rest of the afternoon. She was last seen on 12-11-09 at Nimitz Beach by Team Billand. He last haul out east of Diamond Head was at Hanauma Bay (on the beach) on 12-11-09. Her last Irma's haul out occurred on 6-11-08.
I got back to Makai Pier at 1400 , and the RI cast was the same. At 1450 Mikala hauled out left of 1BS, and galumphed up and into the Morning Glory, where she was snoozin' when I departed.
Team Billand reported Kermit, once again at his home at #1708, White Plains, at 0845. They called to report that Kermit had just departed at 1640.
Posse member Keith Kenyon did the KP trek today, and sent photos of Ka'ena and Yoda at the end of the world.
I picked up Irma's rope at 1850, and Rocky's at 1900, and left the signs. Both of the girls were still on the beach.
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