My first pass through the SE quadrant was a bust until I got to Spitting Cave. Initially , I found Buster, but then I realized there were 2 animals there, The other turned out to be RIP. Buster was doing 8 minute dives and RIP ten. As I logged the dive times I saw that on the next up they would both be on the surface at the same time. Just like I had a clue what I was doing, sure enough at 0825 both came to the surface together. They did so again on the next up, but then their dive times began to separate again. As I was departing Spitting Cave I met posse member Susan, who was just going down. As I was approaching the pier I got a call from the office. Mark said a lady called at 0921 asking that he tell DB that there were 3 animals at SC. When I got back at 0931 I found that Duke had joined the cast. He and Buster were playing, and RIP wanted nothing to do with them.
When I got back to Makai Pier at 1100 I found that Sadie was now at 3BS, and Kolohe with Mikala were on the water front rocks at the far right end of the beach. All would remain there for the observation period.
At 1400 I did a Sandy Beach check and found Right Spot at the east end of the beach in her usual spot. A witness said she had hauled out at 1350. I never did receive a call from the office. I got her cordoned off and did lots of PR. I'll be returning shortly.
Once again Team Billand had a busy little day. They called at 1058 to report Rocky behind Kermit's Reef on the west side of the Nimitz jetty, and then again at 1100 to report Kermit fronting pavillion #1813 at Nimitz Beach. Apparently , Kermit would be run off, but return to the same spot again, after a forage. The last call came at 1500 reporting that Benny had just hauled out to join Rocky.
RIP, Buster & Duke
Buster & Duke
Right Spot
Rocky & Benny-BB.jpg)
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