Buster was also there at 0708 to the left of 1BS. When I got back to MP at 0914 I found that M38 was now at mid beach, directly below RSF. He would be joined later by first Mojo, and later by Buster. Right Spot let it be known that she was not the least bit interested in the boys games.
Later arrivals would be Sadie who spent the afternoon with Mojo, and Mikala, as well as Kolohe by himself at the far right end of the beach.
On my Spitting Cave check at 0756 I found Duke by himself, doing 7 to 8 minute dives.
I was gleefully spending an interesting day at Makai Pier with a good cast at Rabbit Island , secure in the thought that for the first time in what seems like forever, I wouldn't have to go to Sandy Beach. Wrong..................again !!
Posse person Lesley called at 1019 to advise that there was an animal she thought was Benny, trying to haul out at the Half Point rocks (Right Spot's old location), but the hordes standing at the water line would not get back. When I arrived at 1028 he was swimming close to shore toward the east end, and then swam back to Half Point and presumably out the channel. Lesley and I hung out for a while but did not see him again.
So, it was back to the pier, knowing that Benny would probably haul out there in a while, but at 1338 came a call from a Sandy Beach lifeguard reporting an animal. When I got there at 1350 I saw the hordes at Half Point and sure enough there was Benny staring them all down, and wanting to haul out. Once I got the masses to step back and began putting up a cordon Benny hauled out and has spent the rest of the day. Lesley monitored him for a while and I was back at 1700 and he was still there. When I picked up the rope at 1845 he was still snoozin'.
Team Billand reported Kermit once again at White Plains at 0615, and checked in again this afternoon at 1756 to say that he was still there.
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