I would find my first animal at 0730 while checking Rabbit Island from Makai Pier. What would prove to be RIP, was just hauling out fronting 3BS . He galumphed up and into the Morning Glory fronting 3BS.
On our 0800 recheck of Sandy Beach, there was Right Spot newly hauled out once again at the east end of the bleach. We cordoned her off and continued on. She has remained there all day.
We were back at Makai Pier at 1037, and found that RIP had been joined in the Morning Glory by Duke. We also found RIP's younger brother Mojo at 2BS. All 3 critters would remain there all day, with no observed interaction. They had a perfect Monk Seal day. Cool, rainy, and made for snoozin' .
Team Billand checked in at around 0900 to report that they were observing Kermit off shore of the Nimitz jetty, apparently happily foraging. They would call again atd 1220 to advise that Kermit had hauled out to Nimitz. Thankfully, there were no White Plains critters today. Thank you Kermit !!! Barbara called at 1715 to advise that Kermit had departed Nimitz.
While perusing YouTube today, I found footage of Irma at Spitting Cave. Though it was added today, I think the footage of probably from yesterday or the day before. Too close for my taste, but it was definitely Irma.
Benny started getting antsy and finally bugged Right Spot into the water at 1853. I packed up and called it a day at 1900.
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