At 0919 I became aware of a partially visible animal up in the grass, 80 ft right of 3BS. When he later moved down to cool off I saw that it was Kolohe. He would cool it near the water line the rest of the day.
On a pan at 1040 I found Mikala, newly hauled out fronting 1BS at the left end of the beach. At 1121 she would be joined by my 2nd born son , Mojo. He stayed only briefly, before rolling back to the water and just a minute or so later, hauling out to join Right Spot at 2BS. A lunge and a bark by Right Spot made it abundantly clear that she did not appreciate his attention. He rolled back to the water and went back to 1BS where he hauled out again, and maintained a 20 ft separation from Mikala for the rest of the day.
Team Billand called at 1049 to say that Kermit was spending yet another day fronting #1708 at White Plains.
They checked in again at 1245 to report Rocky at "Kermit's Reef" on the west side of the Nimitz Beach jetty.
I'm adding 3 shots from the Island Divers website. Posse person Jen Christian wrote last nigh to advise that the site had critter shots. After Jen guided this "cyber-child" through all the right mouse clicks I finally found the shots. They were taken on 12-9-09 at a spot called "Sea Cave" which is a popular Scuba Tour site, mid way between Spitting Cave and Hanauma Bay. The shots were of Duke and Kolohe. Tracy had emailed me info about their having been there on 12-8-09, and obviously they were still there on the 9th. Duke was back at Rabbit Island on 12-10-09, and Kolohe got back to RI today. Thank you Jen....... you're worth your weight in manapua !
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