Allow me to digress just a moment. For the past couple of weeks I'd been seeing a Seal Gull fly by at Sandy Beach, and again at Spitting Cave. We do not have Sea Gulls here, but they do occasionally get blown in on winter storms. Today I found said Sea Gull on the rocks at the far right end of the beach on Rabbit Island. As I was panning down to check him out once again at 0958, I suddenly found Mojo, Kolohe and Mikala just moving into view on the water front rocks in a tight little gang , just to the left of the gull. There was some interaction between Mojo and Kolohe, and Mikala was just trying to stay out of the way. At 1030 Mojo would move out of my line of sight, followed shortly thereafter by Mikala. Kolohe would remain in view until 1307.
When I got back to Makai Pier after my 1000 to 1100 Sandy Beach check (lookin' for Right Spot.. I do hourly checks) I found that Mojo had moved over to join Duke at the water front rocks of 3BS. Both would remain there the rest of the day.
A call from Mark at 1520 reported an animal at Sandy Beach. There had been nobody there on my 1500 check. When I arrived at 1532 I found Right Spot at the east end. A witness said she had hauled out at 1510. I got her cordoned off and did lots of PR. I'll recheck her shortly.
Team Billand had a busy little day. The first call came at 0945 reporting Irma at Tracks. Next came a call at 1048 reporting Rocky at "Kermit's Reef" on the west side of the Nimitz jetty, and lastly, at 1100 reporting Kermit fronting the pavillion at Nimitz Beach. A call from Barbara at 1550 advised that all remained in their respective locations.
Right Spot departed Sandy Beach at 1913.
Mojo, Kolohe & Mikala
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