Friday, January 3, 2014

Jan 13, 2014: Windward Monitoring from Lesley

Diane G & I did our first Windward monitoring of 2014.

Although we checked several locations for R5AY we were not lucky to find her.
This morning several calls came in reporting a seal hauled out at TBR sleeping peacefully. As we arrived we saw a BIG long pretty seal on Right Spots Beach and to our surprise it was R016 "Right Spot" herself.
Down towards Elbow Beach, Diane was fast to point out a seal among some rocks. RL54 "Kaikaina" was just hauling out. She gallumped all the way up the beach to settle and go to sleep in the "old manger"
We did go all the way to Second Beach / Marconi Rd but did not find other seals

JoAnn called this morning to report a seal and 2 turtles hauled out @ Laniakea. As of this report I still haven't received photos or confirmation of the seal's ID.  Aloha,  Lesley 
Right Spot
 RL54 Kaikaina 

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