Monday, December 27, 2010

12/27/2010 DB Dailies

It was a bumper croppa' critters at Rabbit Island today. At 0657 I found M38, 80 ft right of 3BS, and Sadie up in the grass behind Seal Rock Inlet. When I got back to Makai Pier at 0910 I found that Kolohe and Duke had joined Sadie in the grass. All would later move down. At 1011 M38 would galumph over to join the others. At 1033 RIP hauled out at Seal Rock Inlet, and all 5 remained there most of the day. When I looked at RI at 1556 I found that RIP had relocated to the Right Greenery area, at the left end of the beach. On a pan at 1118 I found Sam just hauling out to the left end of the beach. All would remain there the entire day.

The highlight of the day began at 1227 with a call from Schofield, reporting a "Seattle" hotline call about an animal at Makapuu. Of course when I got to Makapuu I found nobody. It is my personal opinion that there should be a law against the "Seattle" hotline. I have NEVER gotten good info from that source. I got a call back number from Dana and fortunately the call had come from Jeff Polaski at Sea Life Park. People had come there to report an animal . I later met the caller, Annie Santos. She and her family are the newest members of the posse.

Scientifically speaking the office will never accept my opinion that this is the same animal I saw on Rabbit Island on 12-25-10, but I will bet the wife and both cats, as well as all future wives and cats on that very fact. This was a untagged, male , weaner and there is zero doubt in my mind that it is the same animal. Jeff and all other's had reported a fresh wound just forward of the right fore flipper, and ultimately I did see the wound which appeared to be minor. The most noticeable marker was shark bite tooth marks on the right side of his neck. I'm not sure that they are related to the fresher wound.

Sean came at 1356 and got a "27" bleach on the posterior dorsal, and an "N27" bleach on the right shoulder. Lesley and Donna spent the afternoon with me, and , of course the little guy waited until everybody had left before departing at 1619 of his own volition.

Team Billand reported Kermit fronting #1707 at White Plains. They reported that he had several spew episodes. Just for future reference for other volunteers you should know that spewing (barfing) is a relatively common occurance, and is usual seen as yellowish fluid, almost always accompanied by white , stringy material which is tapeworms. All animals that I have seen , routinely spew or pooh tapeworms, from time to time.
 This could have been very bad.
 This is one lucky little critter, look at the marking of what looks to be an attempted bite from a very large mouth.
 Heading back out into the water

1 comment:

Barbara said...

What a handsome young man. Scarey to see the marks of a shark on his throat area. Oh so young and already suffering...Monks, such precious souls, living a life of danger. But, I am so glad he did get away, how he managed THAT, shows the strengths these mammals have...a will to keep living. Great find, AWESOME photos. Hope one day he visits our location...we'll be looking out for him.