Wednesday, December 1, 2010

12/1/2010 Team Billand busy at White Plains

Benny and Kermit 
 Benny beginning his molt
Ewa Girl


Barbara said...

In the 3 and a half years doing seal work, we have witnessed Benny, Irma and Kermit together at White Plains. We have sat with them for days as each molted on Plains. But this year, Irma molted first, as scheduled, but Kermit hasnt molted YET, Benny beat him this time. I wonder if Kermit is going into MOLT NOW. Two males, molting at White Plains..hmmmm, interesting. And, Irma took off to Diamond Head..BUT...Miss Ewa Girl showed up with the boys this year..thats cool. All three seals did just fine yesterday..all slept the whole day together...AND this year we didnt see Irma and Kermit together as in the past years. Benny has been with Irma alot!!! So...who do ya think the pup's DADDY is????? My bet is THE BENNY!!! Wonder who will show up this morning at the Plains...we shall see. I cant wait to hit the beaches!!!!!! Oh this is fun!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is Irma pregnant? How far along? How long is the gestation period for monk seals?

Donna said...

We don't know if Irma is pregnant... and if she is probably won't be showing any signs of it for several months....

monk seal gestation period is 11 months, so they basically give birth, wean their pup and start all over again.