Kimo S., called from Sandy Beach at 0745 to advise that an animal had swum by him in the shore break line up. He managed to get some shots but they are inconclusive. It is possible that the animal may have been Kekoa, based on one of the shots showing a right side facial scar, but ???? I tried to connect that find with the U/M at RI, but I could not see anything that would confirm that ID.

At 1400 I found Kolohe (RW22) snoozin’ on the Lanai Lookout Flats.
Team Billand checked in at 0916 to advise that they were with RL42 at Makua Cliffs.
At 1445 they advised that RIP (RR70) had hauled out to join her.
Sadie and Pup... wonder if we have a little boy or girl?
UM and UF
the greeting
playing around
Rip and RL42
Who are UU?