At 0731 Gayle called to report , what would prove to be Kolohe (RW22) at Spitting Cave. He settled into 7 min. dives. This is his second consecutive day there. Kimo saw him yesterday.
Speaking of Kimo... he called at 1236 while out on his real job on the Aloha Termite crew, to advised that he had spotted an animal down on the beach at Eternity Beach (From Here to Enternity Beach from the famous kissing in the shore break scene in the 40's movie..... or for you Whippersnappers a Johnny Depp Pirates movie). It's the cove on the town side of the Blowhole Lookout. This is only the second haul out in history, to this spot (Kaiwi hauled out there once, just a few weeks into weanerhood). When I got down there at 1247 I confirmed the Buster ID, and put up signs, and did lots of intercontinental outreach.Gayle & Kimo also spent time in the cove. Per Kimo, Buster departed at 1830.
Dera sent photos of T21M, seen today near Kahana Bay. ID was by tag.
She also provided shots of R5AY, taken today at Pounders, Laie. ID was by tag.
I need alittle help from all you Facebook posse people out there. I became aware today that there was a story in the right hand column of the blog, about Hawaii News Now, the Monk Seal Foundation, and the 4 Seasons Lanai resort, doing a name the seal contest. I can't seem to contact any of those entities on any thing other than Facebook, and not being one of you, I'm stuck. RT24 doesn't need a name. He already has a name, and its MAKANA (Gift). I called him that because he was my Christmas present. We met on 12-27-10, and he got his N27 bleach. A few days later Sean & Mark gave him his RT24/25 tags. All of this was at Kaupo Beach Park. I last saw him in February 2011 at ADs . He was said to have headed off to the islands to the south. Hopefully some or all of you can contact everybody involved to pass on the little tidbit of info. ~ I sent an email out to the monk seal foundation... will keep you posted if i hear anything back.
Late breaking news came in a call from Dera, at 1930, reporting Irma (R010) newly hauled out at Queens in Waikiki. Colleen be on the look out.... she's calling out to ya.
Buster on a movie set... for us old farts "from here to eternity" for you young'ens "Pirates of ???"
looks like part of the scenery
Meet Makana RT24 on Oahu 2010... named by DB on record here on the blog...
Kolohe at spitting cave on thursday
T21... lol looks like he's in someone's back yard...
remember the time Rocky hauled up in Colleen's back yard?
R5AY - beautiful shot....
oh she's looking good!
I can be a witness and verify that DB discovered Makana in December 2010. My daughter was home from college on her winter break. We were headed out to Sandys and I called him to see if there were any seals in the area that I could take her to see since I knew there weren't any at Sandys that day. He excitedly told me about Makana and we headed right out there to spend some time with her as DB would say "keeping the hoards away" and taking pictures. I remember at the time thinking that Makana was such a perfect name since she was discovered at Christmas time.
OH YA BABY!!!! US guys went out to see Makana also that year. He was the cutest little thing and I especially remember those shark bite marks on his neck on the right side. I thought to myself, HOLY CRAP!! THANK GOD HE IS STILL ALIVE!!!
The Monk Seal Foundation is NOT doing a naming contest for RT24 or any seal. It is our belief that if a seal is going to be named it should be done with respect and deference to Hawaiian cultural practices. I'm fairly certain that these practices do not include a random one day naming contest on Facebook. If you look, you won't see anything on any Monk Seal Foundation internet sites that says anything about us holding a naming contest. If we were going to hold a contest of any sort we'd be announcing it all over the place.
The whole help us name a seal was something which the Hawaii News Now folks did that morning without consulting with us on it. While I certainly can't speak for them, I would think they thought they were doing something good by engaging their audience about the monk seals.
Though it is rather disappointing that this blog would jump to posting this on the Internet without first talking to us to fact check. If the monk seals are to be saved it will require all of us working TOGETHER and not jumping to conclusions on things. If anyone ever has any questions, by all means feel free to contact me. I had a few folks email me about the "contest" and I was happy to answer them. I don't want to post my email address to the net, but I can always be reached via the contact page on the MSF site:
Monk Seal Foundation
Aloha all, Seals all have a "permanent ID" (somewhat similar to a social security number?), but what if just like how people can be given different nicknames from different groups of friends, coworkers, family, etc., maybe it's ok for seals to be known by different nicknames by different groups of people: volunteers, communities in a certain area, a news station, a 1 day facebook contest, an individual family, from a cultural practitioner, a single kid visiting? ALL methods are fine and to be encouraged if they help BROADEN ownership, awareness, and feelings of care and respect toward monk seals.
The volunteers will always have a special bond with the seals, and will nearly always be in a position to be giving them their "first" name. But please don't let that overshadow others' attempts to make their own connection with seals through naming a seal , be it through Hawaiian cultural practice or otherwise.
Mahalo! And remember, be kind to each other and give others the benefit of the doubt - that doesn't just go one way.
The facebook photo is now up to 276 comments/suggestions and over 900 people have "liked" it. Pretty cool to get so many people thinking about monk seals in a positive way! :)
Hey, would you tell me some of the comments as I dont do FACE BOOK. I am very interested in hearing them.
I don't think you should need to have a facebook account to see this picture and comments (because it's public). Try click this link ...
You can keep clicking at the bottom where it says "view more comments." If that doesn't work, let me know and I can put up some of the comments.
I tried, it didnt work Rachel...dats ok....
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