At 0711 I found M38 snoozin' in the Morning Glory, fronting 1BS on RI. He would move down to cool off at 0858, allowing me to see that his transmitter was gone. I'd thought it was missing yesterday, but the visibility was junk due to haze and I wasn't certain. Today I'm sure. I notified Charles.
Team Billand checked in at 0804 with the report of Kermit (R012) fronting #1708, White Plains.
At 0903 the Billands called to advise that Clay Gates had reported a possible Irma at Iroquois Point.
The Billands confirmed the Irma (R010) ID at 0947. Irma had last been seen on the 19th in Waikiki. That suggested that her SE Quadrant stay might coming to an end for the time being, and it seemed logical that she would be heading west , however , since there is no word for "logical" in Monk Seal, OIK where she might pop up. Today, she popped, and it was Iroquois Point.
Apparently she departed her initial spot at 0947 only to haul out again just a few hundred feet down the beach at 1000.
Kimo Smith did the Ka'ena Point trek today, and reported Ka'ena (RO40), RIP (RR70), and Noa (R6FI) at the end of the world.
Afternoon word from Dana brought good news on the R5AY front. R5AY caught and ate live fish today, and was active in her pool.
Irma @ Iroquois Point
A relaxed seal... or either that hung over a big thanksgiving feast
Ka'ena @ Ka'ena Point in front of a sign talking about the monk seals at Ka'ena point. This is a great PR picture
Mr. Rip and Noa
Ka'ena and Rip
Ka'ena Noa and Rip
Bad Bad people
Good people... good people
Ka'ena Noa and Rip
Love the shot of the seal at the sign...neat.
I want to say that CLAY GATES called us while we were out on our search. He said he had what he thought to be...IRMA. We were so excited, we hadnt seen Irma for so long, so, we went to take a look.
There was Clay Gates, all ready roped off Irma, who was laying on shore, facing a difficult way to ID her. But Clay called the shots...PERFECTLY..IT WAS IRMA. Good eye. She looked magnificently gorgeous, just real pretty, healthy.
Then after just a few minutes of observing her, Miss Irma takes off. But she remained in the general area, just cruzing, lolligagging. Of course all three of us guys, followed Miss Irma around, hiding behind trees.
Around 10ish, Miss Irma hauls up a bit, then decides, NAH, not here...goes back the original site, NAH, keeps moving until...she goes to the Banyan tree, hauls up there. God look at her, she is huge, all that blubber, flowing like a wave of jello. Ta daaaaa....she settles, plows her head into the sand. She is staying. Awesome. Oh Oh, humans coming in, so, Clay swifly runs over to redo the perimeter...we help. There ya go Miss Irma, Clay Gates provided a nice perimeter for you to rest.
And while standing there watching Miss Irma, Clay tells me and Rob, that his beloved NIELE, passed away. We were shocked, saddened. I immediately gave Clay a big hug. NIELE was his DOG, of 16 years. God bless her heart...we will miss that sweet plump dog, with those beautiful almond eyes...what a great animal to have met over the years knowing Clay Gates. He was so good to her, just a great DAD.
I also want to say, I dont know why Clay didnt send in any shots of his IRMA FIND...I wish he did. Maybe he'll send it in later. Dont FORGET CLAY...send DONNA those pics. Please.
And I want to say one last thing...I am so very happy, R5AY is doing better. My heart is filled with JOY!!!! Thanks to all for caring for her...KEEP FIGHTING R5AY...keep fighting for your life. We need you!!! God bless your heart, hope to see ya on shore soon. YIPPPEEEE....
Hi, this is Lauray. Glad to hear the good news about R5AY! Thanks to all who are caring for her!
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