At 0658 I found what would prove to be Kolohe (RW22) amongst the Morning Glory, fronting 1BS on Rabbit Island. He would later move down, allowing the ID, by his big ol' beautiful right side natural bleach. He would remain the rest of the day.
At 1154 I found Kaiwi (RK96) on the water front rocks of Rocky Right Beach on Rabbit Island. She was visible only from the Makapuu Overview.
The Billands called at 1625 to advise that M&M (R020) had arrived at White Plains at 1000 and that they had just found Kermit (R012) with Ewa Girl at Wind Sock.
Zeeny checked in from the Ka'ena Point at 0852 reporting Ka'ena (RO40) and Kerby (RW22) together, and RL42 on Mom, R912 together at the end of the world. Awaiting photos.
Marilyn forwarded underwater photos taken by UH colleague, Angel Yanagihara on Saturday, 11-10-12 at Lanai Lookout.
Dana called at 1656 with the report of a hooked animal in Kahuku. She called again at 1730 to advise that it was R5AY, behind the Kahuku Golf Course. NOAA personnel will be going out in the morning.
chances according to BNS Aukai
Ewa girl
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