At 0650 I found Aukai (RL12) and Kaiwi (RK96) together at Seal Rock Inlet on Rabbit Island. Both would move down during the day, but remained at that location.
At 0839 Team Billand checked in with the report of M&M (R020) at Tower #1, and and Kermit (R012) fronting #1707 at White Plains.
At 1529 Team Billand reported 2AW at Tracks.
Dana called at 1529 to advise of an animal at Paradise Cove. Linda is responding. Team Billand confirmed the Pohaku (RO28) ID at 1600.
Keith Kenyon did the KP trek today and found RIP (RR70) & an U/U at the end of the world.
Photos from Zeeny's Turtle Bay trip yesterday, have arrived. RL54 is lookin' mighty cute, in the water, and joined her sister, La'akea (RK82) when she hauled out to the elbow.
M38 @ Rabbit Island
RL54 playing with a stick... puppy with flippers
Cutey pie
Miss Beauty Queen MM
Here comes KErmit... did someone mention a beauty queen
2AW being a little green
Pohaku @ Paradise Cove
Kerby @ Maili Point
Awwww Kerby's all grown up, he's looking like the big boys now. For me, the Kerbster is the very first pup I ever laid my eyes on. Day after seal count April 2008... Ewa Girl counted in as one, and next morning there were two.
Benny @ Secret Beach
RIP at Ka'ena Point.... Mr. Keith !!! good to hear from you again. I hope you been well, it's been a long time since I seen your name come through the dailies and happy to see you back.
UU a cutey too
1 comment:
Benny was at KoOlina Secret Beach YESTERDAY. THe shots are of him at Maili P. THE OTHER DAY.
And I was sick when we got a call to RETURN TO PLAINS...A lady is laying with M and M in the perimeter. It was 6pm...so we returned, and all the folks had removed themselves from the seal.
It disturbs me, people still try to get that YOUTUBE shot for fun.
Please folks, give the seal its space to rest...how would you like it if we layed next to you, when there is so much space else where??? YOU WOULDNT LIKE IT AT ALL. I know I wouldnt.
Seals are not toys, nor are they pets...they are a struggling mammal in a modern world. Give them a chance to rest, PLEASE.
Admire them from behind the signs and ropes. The beach can be a place for seal AND MAN. Just back off...simple task we ask of humans.
M and M used to be a seal that never went where humans went...but in this year, she is showing up Plains all the time. She is becoming CONDITIONED TO HUMANS. We want our seal to remain WILD, so they can continue to live...FREE. And not dependent on HUMANS. Once again, folks, give the seal space.
We are all priveleged to have our seals come a shore. There arent many left in this world. And Plains is a place, they love to rest at. Dont know why, but they do. So...lets help them out, keep away, RESPECT THIER SMALL SPACE.
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