Lesley called at 0729 to advise that Tatiana had reported an animal in Waikiki, neare the Aquarium. Colleen was responding, and at 0821 she confirmed the Irma (R010) at Queen's Beach in Waikiki.
Team Billand reported M&M (R020) at Maili Point at 0840.
At 0930 the found Kermit (R012) between T#1 and the fence line at White Plains.
Lesley did the Ka'ena Point trek and reported RIP (RR70) and Ka'ena (RO40) together on the back beach, and R912 to the right of the main pool at the point.
I got word in the late afternoon that R5AY had undergone successful surgery and was back at the Aquarium and resting. Hopefully, more in depth word will be coming shortly, from NOAA personnel. ANY word from NOAA or vet would be greatly appreciated. 5AY, is a very beloved and critical member of our main Hawaiian island seals.
Aukai, Kaiwi and RM38
Mr. Rip
Ka'ena with little molting left
Mr. Rip and Ka'ena
Irma popping up in Waikiki... she was stopping in to see how R5AY was doing
R912 @ Ka'ena Point
MM at Maili Point
pretty MM
Kemit little ouch on his snout.
Kermit working on a new style... sand strips
Kerby@ Ka'ena Point
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