At 0720 I found Kolohe (RW22)
just hauling out to the right side of Seal Rock Inlet. He had the island to
himself today (well, Kolohe and a zillion birds)
Once again today, posse member
Kathy called at 1106 to advise that
Dera confirmed this morning that there have
been no transmissions since Sunday, the 18th, which was the last day that her
antenna was seen.
At 1050 Team Billand checked
in with the report of Kermit (R012) fronting #1813 Nimitz Cottages.
At 1157 they found 2AW at
LATE NIGHT NEWS: I received a call from a friend who was at Kahuku Beach this morning and saw N6 "right spot". She said she would send pictures but I haven't received anything at this time. Will post and send in when I receive them.
Kolohe @ Rabbit Island
Irma @ Makapuu Beach
Beautiful Day - beautiful picture
the elves at spitting cave
Kaiwi swimming at spitting cave
Turtle and Kaiwi
Kermit N4 @ Nimitz
Kermit looking handsome and healthy
2AW @ Maili Point
Kahuku Beach???
What do you mean by Kahuku beach? After Kahuku point?
When my friend Karen called me she said she was at the beach in Kahuku... She didn't give an exact location, there wasn't anyone around the seal was safe. I am still waiting for photos from her son's camera.
Sorry if I didn't get the name correct but I assumed if someone is at the beach in Kahuku... then that would make it Kahuku beach... silly me.
Kawela Bay is located in Kahuku too!
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