When I got back to Makai Pier
at 0838, it was just me and da' birds, however at 0906, Buster (RV08) hauled out
40 ft left of 1BS. He would remain all day.
At 0935, Kolohe (RW22) hauled
out to join Buster. They remained there together all day. There was minimal
interaction, all of which was initiated by Kolohe. Buster just didn't wanna'
Pike called of Molokai at 0750 with exciting news, that she'd been sitting on
the lanai of a place she was house sitting,on a beach where seals are rarely if
ever seen , and who should swim by but DUKE (RA12) !! She called immediately.
Tanx Eh !!
Team Billand had their Whale
Count hats on this morning, but called at 1427 with the report of R018 at Maili
At 1519
the Billands found RB00 at Electric Beach.

Dera called at 1530 to advise of an animal in the
trough at Magic Island . Dana later called to report that it was Rocky (RH58).
Confirming photos from Charles Lee, and Robert Keough have been received. Thanks
guys !
Rocky @ Magic Island
Kaiwi @ Kaiwi Cove
Hey wait... is that the elves over there?
It is, I'll turn around
oops... I went upside down instead
much better now I see them over there.
sun's going down time to go....
see you later elves
Ka'ena and Kirby @ Ka'ena Point...
So Kerby where the heck were you? I been looking for you?
Oh and by the way bad timing... my girl 761 is here
Kerby you can leave now...
Really... you can go
oh... forget it, i'm too tired
Who came first the fisherman or the seal
Resting comfortable
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